…Defender and Protector

Reflection from one year ago:
Several years ago, I had a heart wrenching experience with a loved one that rearranged my whole personal agenda of familial expectations and trust. Throughout the endless flow of tears and questions that followed, I was reconnected with the only One that could help me discern the relentless pain and underlying confusion. Effortlessly, He picked up my shattered pieces and remolded them into a vibrant stained glass masterpiece showcasing love and devotion, respect and tenderness, and eventual understanding. In those wounded days, Jesus carried me; one Word, one thought and one prayer at a time. I had newly discovered that Catholic priests were the personification of Christ on earth. In one particular session with our priest, I heard him defending me. It was startling yet soothing. Upon parting though, I was frustrated and exhausted and asked “How can I trust that?” and he said “You just tell me and I’ll confront immediately.” He would protect me from any further agony. In that moment, (it still brings tears to my eyes), I realized that the prayer I’ve been reciting for over 40 years, was being executed right then and there through the priest, for me. “Dear Father in Heaven, You are my defender and protector. You are my God, in You I trust”. The manifestation of those qualities, during my deepest wound, placed me squarely in total awe of God.
Kyrie Eleison,