…Holy Validation

Reflection from one year ago:
“Everything a man does is a search for validation
The question is not “if” a man is seeking validation.
The question is “where is he seeking validation from?”
Last night, I had a strange dream where this unknown trepidation was building. But then, I looked into a mirror and heard myself say, surprisingly, “I’m not fat”. As I confidently walked away through doors to the street outside, another thought rose…“I am god.” Obviously, I’m not any type of a god. But I was certainly curious of the significance of this statement in my nocturnal thought process.
Here’s the significance: I am part of God, and He is part of me. He created me in His image and likeness. I carry Him in my heart, mind and soul and He carries me in His whole being. I don’t believe there is anything more perfect than knowing we are created by God where “we live and move and have our being in Him.”
God validates our existence by our simply being. Are you seeking validation from the only one who matters?