…Ageless Love of God

Reflection from one year ago:
I have a good friend that is a devout Catholic. He was very close to his mother who passed away last year. In his childhood, it was her that nurtured his strong and unwavering faith. I was bewildered to the amount as it was certainly more than any man I had ever met in my life until then. His devotion is to Jesus’s mother, in particular, intriguing me further. His humble attitude is always one to serve – no matter the task, person or reason. He genuinely seeks Christ and His Mother to help him fulfill his role as husband, father, worker, friend, church layperson and all his daily duties. I truly believe there is always a prayer on his lips.
Today, he texted me from a hospital, as he must have some tests done to identify an urgent problem. I’m certain this temporary setback bothers him not because he is sick, but because he may have disappointed someone who was expecting him. When I first saw this picture weeks ago, I saved it. It reminded me of this man whom I never knew as a child – but knew his deep faithful relationship with God started many years ago.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!