…If Today You Hear His Voice

Reflection from one year ago:
Today, I attended a professional training class at a local college. As I was walking among the co-eds who were half my age, I wondered about that time long ago when I had wanted to live at a campus. Through events that changed that course, I considered in this brief moment, did I miss an opportunity or was this just a delayed fortuity? I did receive an Associate’s Degree in Business while working during the day, and going to school at night. Over 30 years later, it’s repeating, as I’m working during the day and going to school at night for a Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities. My degree subjects seemingly polar opposites – business and theology – yet poetically converged to heighten a passion filled existence. God called out a hidden treasure within my heart and is opening it for something glorious.
Kyrie Eleison,