…Spiritual Blindness

Reflection from one year ago:
“The supposedly “spiritual” person is often blind to what the simple see plainly. Like the majority of people in the world, Balaam, a professing religious person, could not see God at work, not even when He was personally opposing him! Yet, the dumb donkey, a lowly beast of burden,saw God at work and deferred to Him, and by its submission, the donkey made it possible for “blind” Balaam to see.”
I wonder how many of us are actually spiritually blind to God? Why do we allow our vision to become cloudy?
We may converse with God everyday but are unable to truly see Him at work in our lives, in our family, or even intimately in our own heart and mind. Why do we oppose Him? Our egos allow us to think “well, I just know better.” That’s funny…we think we “know” better than God – we are not even close. Perhaps, the drive for money and power – the fall for every man – our sights set on things of truly inconsequential value keep us from “seeing” clearly. At times, we are so foolish.
I wonder how many “simple beasts” in our lives have literally saved us by stopping us from a certain death or at least a pummeling, figuratively or literally. Their vision being quite clear while ours was muddied by the noise of the world.
Kyrie Eleison,