…Lend to the Lord

Reflection from one year ago:
Today I was thinking about the population of the world that is poor and suffers social inequality. I understand why it occurs. History has proven the underlying issues of humanity’s quest with ego driven behaviors such as power, racism, bigotry, to name a few, which does not allow all people to be truly equal. Death brings equality but in the meantime, we fight out differences of culture, color, religion, sexual orientation, government, disabilities, welfare and on and on it goes. Emphasis is on the word “fight” as that particular custom never loses its fury. But I digress, I don’t have the answer to the world’s problem of acquiring peace, that answer belongs to God. He, perhaps, has already given us the answer…”forgiveness”…but we do not heed because of, well, our egos.
In the meantime, I can only just meet people where they are and allow them to be what God created them to be. People are complicated beings. I would love everyone to be happy, to be respectful, show dignity for all ages, abilities, geographical customs and beliefs but that may just be a dream. We are imperfect. However, all is not lost.
While we live, we can help others by giving more of ourselves whether meeting temporal, mental, or spiritual needs. God will guide them and us to an amicable resolution of recognizing and quenching those needs. Most people want to be acknowledged, treated with dignity and most of all shown love and acceptance. Love heals many hurts of which we all benefit.
Luke 3:11: “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”
Kyrie Eleison,