…Entertaining Angels

Reflection from one year ago:
I think people forget that to be a good person is not difficult. We don’t have to change the world or do ultra extraordinary feats in our daily lives. Today, simple smiles, a genuine “good luck”, was all it took to show kindness.
I had an appointment for a mammogram. While entering the elevator, I held the doors back for another woman to enter. I smiled and asked “which floor?”and with a foreign accent said “3.” As I pushed #3, I thought, “same as me”! There are many suites on that floor – but I wondered if she was there for the same reason. I didn’t see her after we left the elevator. I entered the waiting room nodding to the polite smiles from strangers as they looked up. As each woman was being called in to their respective screening room, for a moment, I was the only one remaining.
Then, the woman from the elevator sat down. She looked at me and we smiled, again. A technician came in to ask us our names and apologized for the wait. I assured her we haven’t been waiting long, as only a few minutes have passed. The woman’s name was Sadie -not very common. We quickly quipped that it’s ok for us if they take their time…there’s no rush. Moments later she was called and then myself. After the screening, I returned to the waiting room to await further instructions. As I walked in, another woman made eye contact with me and gave me a big “hello” with a “How are you?” I was amused, smiled and said “Great, how are you today? When she replied, I said “That’s wonderful to hear!” A few minutes later, Sadie popped in to see if I was there, and said – “Oh, do you have to wait”? I said “yes”. She genuinely sighed and said “oh, I hope it’s not long and everything turns out okay for you.” I thanked her for her kindness and wished her well.
As I was leaving the facility shortly thereafter, I thought about these women. I thought about how great women are and how being kind is just so simple and natural. And then I thought, well, this was sort of odd…I wonder if…
Kyrie Eleison,