…Take My Hand

Reflection from one year ago:
We all get tired. Even strong, healthy people get tired from a chronic situation whether physical, mental or spiritual. Sometimes, we are called upon to be that temporary support. While they continue their personal efforts to persevere, we can just shift some of that metaphorical weight off of them and onto us. We can share the load. In a juxtaposition of humbleness and honor, we have been called upon to journey with them and share their burden. They are allowed to relax and allow others to hold them up just long enough to gird their resolve. We all need it at times.
Jesus is our advocate. He is our Savior. He tirelessly reinforces us throughout each moment of day and night. He has also given us a community of the faithful to which we can lean when necessary. We belong to His family on earth, we are never alone.
Matthew Kelly has written “Develop the ability to give people: a healing look, a healing word, or, a healing touch.”
Jesus profusely supplies these therapeutic methods to each of us in order for us to deliver to others.
Kyrie Eleison,