…Let’s Pray

Reflection from one year ago:
St. Padre Pio, was the priest with Stigmata. How utterly awesome and frightening at the same time. I was not aware of St. Padre Pio’s story until after I obtained a small inspirational ornament. It sits on my kitchen windowsill with the words:
“Pray, hope and don’t worry.
Trust in the infinite goodness of almighty God.”
When we pray, we are invited to relay our worries and concerns to Christ. He asks us to relieve our human burdens by placing them in His hands. Jesus attends to our lives intimately. His love cannot be contained in one definition. I pray because I want to be sure I am doing what Jesus has asked me to do. I pray because I give thanks. I pray because my faith allows me to rest in the assurance that God has me and all my loved ones shielded under His great wings.. Why wouldn’t I? It’s guaranteed by our one Creator and it’s guaranteed to ease my anxiety over the unknowns in life.
Simply turn your worries into prayers. Prayer leads us to hope. “Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear.” Jesus is our Hope.
Kyrie Eleison,