…Lean Into His Embrace

Reflection from one year ago:
This morning began with tears. Tears from another’s soul that was exhausted from fighting against physical pain over years without any change. Fear of the unknown can cripple our outlook, mind and future. When a problem is chronic, there are feelings of defeat and loss. Loss of present joy, future joy and even memories of joy. When we are in the throes of pain, physical or emotional, it is difficult to move. When the body breaks down, at some point, the mind will begin a tailspin as well. So I prayed for this soul.
Tears are communication. They are the physical sign of emotions that can range from happiness to severe pain. Tears are from a heart that is crippled or bursting, undernourished or abundantly nourished. Sometimes a good cry is exactly what we need to release anxiety, uncertainty, or when faced with decisions that certainly seem fearful.
The good news is, we can cast our fears and worries to Jesus. It’s as if He always has His arm around our shoulders. Where we can lean into His great embrace and all is right with the world, once again and always.
Kyrie Eleison,