…Pray Incessantly

Reflection from one year ago:
Today while mopping the kitchen floor, was a perfect time for prayer. I prayed for guidance for my husband at work – that God would help him find the right words and deliver his message with confidence and strength. Later, I tuned into EWTN for a second and there was Mother Angelica in a 1984 classic rerun. Her guest was a nun with an Irish brogue. I love that accent – so I tuned my ears. It was, of course, about praying. Praying while walking, eating, before bed, in the morning, in the afternoon, every hour, while jogging, at school or work, at the movies or shopping, pretty much anywhere is a perfect time for prayer. We have formal prayers and informal prayers. We have one word, a sentence, paragraph length, or heart-wrenching discourse prayers. We have the Book of Psalms, simple or complex prayers, which have been prayed for hundreds of centuries. We can pray once, twice, 10, 100, 1000 times a day or more. Probably just as many of our random thoughts could be matched with prayer. God hears us no matter how it’s done. As Matthew Kelly mentioned in “Mustard Seeds”, “you don’t need to open your mouth to pray”. God knows what is in our hearts and He knows what we need.
My husband called later to let me know how confident he felt during that very important phone conversation. Here was an affirmation that God gives each of us what we need at the time we need it.
Pray incessantly.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner…
Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world…
Jesus, I trust in you…
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!