…He Strengthens Me

Reflection from one year ago:
EWTN television network has always been a plethora of inspirational resources for me. It is, as Matthew Kelly often says about Catholicism, “Genius”. Today, I took a quick break to flip to the station. A daily mass was broadcasting. My first thought was “Probably nothing new here.”
Well, I really should know better since everything about God is in the Mass, the Holy Spirit is flowing to each of us, and a Scripture always reveals a meaning each time it’s read. Also, priests act in the person of Christ – “they teach, sanctify and govern.” In less than 10 seconds of listening to this particular priest, he said:
“A synopsis or summation of Pope John Paul the II’s “Feminine Genius”, is as this quote:
‘Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says
‘Oh no, she’s up!’
Thank you Lord for sharing this message with me today!
In Christ – Be Bold! Be Strong! Be Courageous! Be Zealous! For certain, all glory belongs to God!
Gloria in Excelsis Deo,