…Are You Forfeiting Your Life?

Recently, the subjects of excess money, spending on homes, convenience services, cars, vacations, luxuries, even huge savings accounts have been in my peripheral sidelight.  Seems like everyone around me has something brand new or cutting edge technology or buying a home or luxury item. I wonder how they do it? What sacrifices do they make … Continue reading "…Are You Forfeiting Your Life?"

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…Truly Equal

“The sun doesn’t ask who deserves its warmth or its light before it shines. It just shines, and both good and bad people receive it. Neither does the rain inquire as to the moral rectitude of those upon whom it showers its life-giving goodness. It just pours—and both just and unjust people receive it.”

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…Sum of Love

“This is precisely why the two great commandments are so tightly linked: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…and love your neighbor as yourself.” In loving God, you feel the feelings of God, and God is compassionate to the poor and oppressed. That’s all the argument that a Biblical person needs.”

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